Call for papers. Revista Prisiones Nº 5. First semester 2024

Special Issue: Life sentences

Versión en español | Idioma inglés

Call for papers

The call for papers is open and this will be a special issue about life sentences in Argentina and globally. We will accept papers aimed to explore the historical development of life sentences, the legal regulation and enforcement, its harm and impact in the subjectivity of people incarcerated for life and the social adaptation to deal with the prison for life.

Dossier will recover empirical, original and rigorous research. We also are looking for narratives written by people incarcerated for life. In this second section we will privilege papers written in first person describing their own experience and it is not necessary to include bibliography references.

The journal has a referee system, which is detailed in the link below among with the style guidelines.
We are especially interested in recovering original research produced in various contexts, reason why papers will be received in English, Portuguese and Spanish. In all cases, the journal assumes the commitment of its translation into Spanish for its publication.

Terms and conditions for papers

Submission of abstract: December 31, 2023. Up to 500 words, containing title, name and institutional affiliation of the author.
Communication of acceptance of abstracts: January 15, 2024.
Paper submission: March 31, 2024.
Language: Spanish, English or Portuguese (Journal will translate It into Spanish).
Style guidelines and peer review system in
Submission of papers and queries:

Terms and conditions for First person narratives

Submission of abstract: December 31, 2023. Up to 500 words, containing title, name and jurisdiction/country where is/was incarcerated.
Communication of acceptance of abstracts: January 15, 2024.
Paper submission: March 31, 2024.
Language: Spanish, English or Portuguese (Journal will translate it into Spanish).
First person narratives will be privileged. Book references are not expected. Max. Length: 3000 words.
Submission of papers and queries: