Organizers diploma in Food Law and Agribusiness
The Diploma in Food Law and Agribusiness is part of the Online Courses (CCO by its Spanish initials) of the School of Law of the University of Buenos Aires (FD-UBA). Its aim is to encourage educational excellence by means of new information and communication technologies (ICT).
This course approaches Food Law and Agribusiness from a multidisciplinary perspective through an integrative view of the technical and legal features necessary to understand the subject.
Advanced undergraduate students, postgraduate students, graduates of related degrees, teachers and researchers who wish to specialise in the subject can enrol.
The Diploma in Food Law and Agribusiness is sponsored by: the Argentine Standardization and Certification Institute (IRAM), the National Service for Agri-Food Health and Quality (SENASA), the Argentine Institute of Agrarian Law (IADA), the Food Bank of Rosario (BAR) and the Institute of Energy and Mines "Dr. Edgardo Díaz Araujo".