Legal English Monthly Seminars

These seminars are aimed at reinforcing technical vocabulary in different fields of the law. Attendants must be able to express themselves orally in English and must have upper-intermediate written skills.

Each seminar will consist of 4 meetings of 1 ½ hours. 

The activities to be developed are focused on comprehension and handling of legal terminology related to different fields of the law. There will be a theoretical and practical approach to each topic allowing the attendants an active participation. Analysis of documents will be one of the central activities of the seminar. Such analysis will include sintactic and semantic aspects as well as register and style of legal documents typical of the Common Law System. 

Courses will be given in English

Professor:  T.P. Rita Tineo

Stock exchange basic concepts


How to structure capital

Securities: Debt and Equity Securities. Bonds, debentures, preferred and common stock, warrants, put and call options. 

Stock Exchange. Investments. 

Securities Markets (Wall Street, American Exchange, OTC (over the counter markets) NASDAQ.

Wall Street Language. The Securities and Exchange Commission.