Investigation Año IX - Nº 15 - 2015  
By Pablo Campaña


This essay wonders how to understand and strengthen non-state legal systems. It begins by emphasizing that non-state legal systems do exist in Latin America and explores why, in most cases, they are invalidated by academia. It suggests that this invalidation occurs because non-state legal systems question the juridical-political dogma that affirms that the State’s law rests and is legitimated in the will of society’s members. This essay furthers that non-state legal systems are a manifestation of what Michel Foucalt called the discourse of political historicism, which claims that the origin of the institutions of power, including the Law, is not found in the aforementioned will, but in history’s confrontations of power. In this framework, this essay proposes Foucalt’s genealogical project and Paulo Freire’s “dialogue of understandings” as tools that can contribute towards the study of submitted knowledge and the strengthening of non-state legal systems.

Key words

Legal Pluralism - Nonstate Legal Systems - Social Movements - Political Historicism - Submitted Knowledge - Dialogue Of Understandings - Genealogy Of Power

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Revista Electrónica Año I,  Nº 1
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